I'm so thankful for having such a wonderful person in my life! I can't imagine going through life w/o him by my side. The best part of every day is waking up beside him. He makes me laugh everyday . . .well, at least he tries! Here are some fun facts about the love of my life:
1. He was born in New Castle, IN
2. He hates olives
3. Loves the heat . . . can't stand winter
4. He can't swim :-)
5. He can be very sarcastic . . . 99% of the time
6. I taught him how to drive a stick shift in my truck while we were dating
7. He loves Peanut butter (my kind of guy)
8. He loves to sing
9. He is younger than me . . .but only by 7 mths!!
10. He is a wonderful Father
11. He has more socks than a person should be allowed
12.His side of the mirror is speckeled w/ toothpaste splatter
13. He has a few OCD qualities :-)
14. I locked him out of our hotel room on our honeymoon . . .by accident :-)
15. He is the youngest of 5 biological children, and his parents adopted 2 infants when he was around 16.
16. His dad is a preacher
17. He really does have hair on his head . . .he just chooses not to share it w/ everyone!
18. He always orders the same thing at a restaurant
19. He used to weigh 300# (college)
20. He likes loud music!!!
Ok! Thats my man! Just wanted to brag on him for awhile today!