Saturday, February 14, 2009

Lovin' on the family

This picture is a little old, but I came across it and was instantly reminded of what real love feels like! This was taken when Ethan was about 6 week old. As a mother, I embrace loving my children (that doesn't mean it's always easy!). They are my responsibility and if I choose to model love, they will do the same. I'm striving to cover my children in "love prints" so they in time, will do the same to their own children, sometime down the road.

I've been remiss in posting anything these past few days . . . I've been spending time w/ my family. Natillie, our oldest, came down w/ a horrid ear infection on Thursday. We had a play date at the mall play area on Friday; came home and made Valentine's cupcakes - complete w/ lots of pink frosting and sprinkles! Last year, we tried something new to celebrate V Day. The kids and I spent the day creating a surprise dinner for Dave. The kids decorated the table, we pulled out the sparkling china and goblets, used the velvet napkins, lit candles, and dressed in "fancy clothes". We all had so much fun! I think I remember our dessert being red, heart shaped jigglers :-) How fun it is to create a "fancy" dinner, that includes all of the family!

We decided to make this a tradition. Dave and I can have our date later. This just made such an impression on the kids, that we want to make sure they experience it many more times! Tonight, the girls decided to forgo their "fancy" clothes, in fact, they almost came to dinner in their fuzzy bath robes!! The table had a beautiful hand knitted tablecloth (a gift from my grandmother for our wedding), metallic multi-colored heart garland , candles, M&Ms, and we even had sun catcher conversation hearts hanging from our chandelier above the table! No fancy food tonight, just lots of love and laughter as we shared a beautiful time together as a family ! God has been good to us, and His love continually amazes me!

1 comment:

SentimentsbyDenise said...

Love the picture- your children are so very cute!
What a fun tradition you & Dave are creating for your wee ones! I loved hearing about this.